A Red-breasted Songster

The male American Robin perched on the powerlines, eyeing me. He bent to the side, and seemed to be chewing on his perch. After a moment, he started to sing.
"Porriup chirrup! Porriup pirriup! Porriup chirrup! Porriup pim!"
I listened. Many bird songs have a specialty in the name of their family. None match the Thrush family in beauty.
After a moment, he shot of his perch like an arrow, into a nearby tree. His familiar alarm calls started up. There are a large assortment of Robin calls. Alarm calls can be anything from this:
To this:
"Cheep! Puck puck puck puck puck!"
Or if there's a Hawk nearby (always Broad-winged in our case) its a loud:
"Cheep! Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!"
This call is always very easy to hear from a long distance away, loud an clear.
Soon, he flew in his robin-clumsy way into the pine forest and was gone.

Publicado el agosto 17, 2022 05:30 TARDE por penelope-anne penelope-anne


Fotos / Sonidos


Mirlo Primavera (Turdus migratorius)




Agosto 16, 2022 a las 09:13 MAÑANA EDT


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