Herons, Kingfisher, Kinglets ...

0900 on the last Saturday of the month is the Llano Estacado Audubon Society bird walk, often held at Lubbock Lake Landmark. [Check the LEAS page on Facebook to see where they will meet.]

On the last Saturday in October, 2018, Yellow-crowned Night Herons were seen along with a Belted Kingfisher at the dig site, but in the trees near the entrance to the visitor's center there were a couple of Ruby-Crowned Kinglets and a Vireo.

Don't assume that birds are not to be found close to the building!

And of course out on the short grass range there are sparrows. My last sparrow sighting there was a Savannah.

Publicado el octubre 9, 2018 10:14 TARDE por thebark thebark


How did I miss the Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Vireo?

Publicado por amzapp hace más de 5 años

Well, Am -- may I call you Am? -- when the Audubon group broke up, a sharp-eyed young man not part of the LEAS group was pointing those birds out to the 3 of us who wandered up the east side of the building on the way to the parking lot. You and other TMNs were setting up in the auditorium then.

Publicado por thebark hace más de 5 años

I see. Glad you all got to see them.

Publicado por amzapp hace más de 5 años

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