A Tale of Two Perspectives

While I was crouching and taking pictures along a trail in the Tatras mountains of Slovakia, a middle-aged woman caught my attention as she walked by. Intrigued, she curiously inquired about the object of my fascination. I gestured towards a magnificent Chrysosplenium alternifolium and proudly declared, "Behold, this splendid specimen is a Chrysosplenium." (Well, something more along the lines of, "there's an interesting plant; a Chrysosplenium"). As my words escaped my lips, I witnessed a sudden shift in her demeanour—an abrupt vanishing of enthusiasm, replaced by an unmistakable disappointment. With a tinge of regret, she uttered, "Oh, just a plant."

Publicado el julio 12, 2023 09:28 MAÑANA por danielcahen danielcahen


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Junio 7, 2023 a las 02:35 TARDE CEST


Perhaps she was expecting an insect, bird, or mammal and has not yet "awakened" to the world of plants. Your opportunity to explain why the Chrysosplenium was an interesting find.

Publicado por loucon23 hace 11 meses

Unfortunately, the attention of ordinary people is attracted only by particularly beautiful plants or cute little animals. Few people are able to find beauty, for example, in a thistle or a scorpionfly. But if I meet such a person, I understand that we are "of the same blood".

Publicado por sibhedgehog hace 11 meses

Well make no mistake Daniel, we appreciate your observations, and admire your ability to turn up surprises all over the place!

Publicado por gerryfirkins hace 11 meses

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